Physics Tutors in Markham
This is a list of Physics tutors in Markham
- 96 tutors found.
Check tutor profiles for information about rates, subjects, tutor reviews, availability, etc.
Tutor Rating:
not rated
Individual Lesson Fee:
- $40
I have successfully completed my first year with a full GPA (UofT). Although I possess a very thorough understanding of all the subject matter that I am willing to tutor, I explicitly aim to emphasize the beneficial aspects of STEM fields to help develop self motivation.
tutor profile
Achievers Lab
Tutor Rating:
not rated
Individual Lesson Fee:
- $65
Since 2012, Achievers Lab has admitted 100% of our graduating students into top ranking universities across Canada and US. Most students at Achievers Lab experience an improvement of 10% to 20% in their grades, typically in less than 6 months time.
tutor profile
Advance Academic101
Tutor Rating:
not rated
Individual Lesson Fee:
- $60
Over 25 Years Experience Tutoring students for Math and Science courses(Grade 1-12). Work with students who interested to apply for IB program and AP program.
STEMS Classes available for summer 2017!
tutor profile
Alan Leung
Tutor Rating:
not rated
Individual Lesson Fee:
- $40
Experienced Math, Physics,Chemistry Tutor in Markham 萬錦 數學 科學 補習
tutor profile
Alliance Coaching Academy
Tutor Rating:
23 reviews
Individual Lesson Fee:
Alliance Coaching Academy is an exceptional tutoring company located in Markham, Ontario. We are located at a convenient location just opposite the Markville Mall on North East Corner of Highway 7 and McCowan. We have exceptional teachers who are well versed with the Ontario Curriculum.
tutor profile
Alt Learning
Tutor Rating:
not rated
Individual Lesson Fee:
- $50
IB/AP/SAT/Ontario Curriculum Grade 1-12 Math 1-on-1/Group lesson. Math Foundation Building and Advance Learning. Study Skills Training. From Foundation to Application, and to Thinking. English, Chemistry, Physics & Biology are also available.
At the learning center/your home/Libraries
tutor profile
Angela Samantha Quimby
Tutor Rating:
not rated
Individual Lesson Fee:
- $25
I have over 10 years experience tutoring students reading, writing, essay writing and study/organizational skills for Gr. 1-12. I can also tutor french and French Immersion up to grades 12.
tutor profile
Arcanum Academy
Tutor Rating:
not rated
Individual Lesson Fee:
- $60
We offer individualized tutoring in the comfort of your home for middle school, high school and university students.
tutor profile
Beacon Education Inc.
Tutor Rating:
not rated
Individual Lesson Fee:
- $50
Ontario university instructors providing high school math tutoring as well as mentoring to university.
tutor profile
Book Smart Tutors Inc.
Tutor Rating:
not rated
Individual Lesson Fee:
not specified
Book Smart Tutors provide affordable one-on-one tutoring in the comfort of your home across the Greater Toronto Area and the Greater Vancouver Area. We work with you to make sure the tutoring fits your schedule and needs.
tutor profile