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Alan Leung

Experienced Math, Physics,Chemistry Tutor in Markham 萬錦 數學 科學 補習

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Tutoring Locations

Ontario: Markham

Contact Information
Phone: 647 282 3457

Lesson Types and Tutoring Fees

Type Fee
Individual  $25 - $40

Lesson Languages
English, Japanese, Mandarin / Cantonese

Tutoring Services and Experience
I am experienced in teaching high school Mathematics (Calculus and Vectors, Advanced Functions, Mathematics of Data Management) and Science (Physics and Chemistry), and have taught lectures at my university. I was also an editorial assistant of a publisher which publishes Math and Science textbooks and materials for Ontario students. My goal is to help students get better grade by helping students build confidence, motivating them to study effectively, and developing their study skills, time management skills, and test taking skills.

I obtained my bachelor and master degree at University of Waterloo, specializing in Electrical Engineering.

I am teaching at your choice of place or Markham library at a reasonable rate. Home tutoring is also available. You may contact me at or 647 282 3457.

High school: Chemistry, Math, Physics

Markham, Experience, Math, Calculus, Algebra, Geometry, Vector, Data, Management, Science, Chemistry, Physics, Tutor, Teacher, Biology, Chinese, Japanese, Reasonable rate

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