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I have successfully completed my first year with a full GPA (UofT). Although I possess a very thorough understanding of all the subject matter that I am willing to tutor, I explicitly aim to emphasize the beneficial aspects of STEM fields to help develop self motivation.

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Tutoring Locations
Near Brimley & Denison; Milliken Mills High School;

Ontario: Markham

Contact Information

Lesson Types and Tutoring Fees
For e-mail inquiries, every Q/A will have a cost. Apart from that, it will be a straightforward hourly basis.

Type Fee
Individual  $25 - $40
Group  $20 - $30
Online  $20 - $30
E-mail  $10 - $20

Lesson Languages

Tutoring Services and Experience
I have completed my first year at the University of Toronto in the Computer Science program with a full GPA (will provide transcript as proof if required).

Pertaining to highschool, I am willing to tutor in Physics, Chemistry and all levels of Mathematics. I assure you that my understanding of highschool material is thorough, moreover, I will always provide very convincing proofs to any material that I teach. Unlike a classroom environment, I will ALWAYS elaborate on how a concept was developed. I aspire to help students redefine their self-perception of what their "upper-bound" is, in addition to inciting self-motivation in any Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) career path. Finally, I will provide an analysis of the student's performance and the characteristics (if any) that are severely limiting anything short of outstanding academic results.

High school: Chemistry, Computers and IT, Math, Physics, Technology

Calculus Vectors Integration Differentiation Physics Chemistry Computers Science Mathematics Algebra Trigonometry Gr.9-12 Highschool University UTSC MATA37 CSCA67

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