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English Tutors in Montreal

This is a list of English tutors in Montreal - 67 tutors found.
Check tutor profiles for information about rates, subjects, tutor reviews, availability, etc.

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Dr. Ryan Morano
Tutor Rating: 6 reviews
Individual Lesson Fee: $40 - $55
I am an experienced tutor with a PhD in engineering science. I've been teaching in colleges and universities as well as tutoring more than 200 high-school, college and university students over the past 8 years. Please see the detailed description bellow. - tutor profile
Neelesh Bhattacharya
Tutor Rating: 1 review
Individual Lesson Fee: $25 - $30
I can provide you excellent guidance in Maths, Computer Programming, English, Physics, IELTS preparation. Am very good in these subjects and have received best grades - tutor profile
Math Vault
Tutor Rating: 1 review
Individual Lesson Fee: $60
Math Vault offers personalized, interactive tutoring to specific (mostly university) math courses in the topics of college math, linear algebra, calculus, management math, logic, probability, statistics and higher mathematics. For more, visit our website at - tutor profile
Joshua Tabatchnick
Tutor Rating: 1 review
Individual Lesson Fee: $25 - $30
It has become evident to me that every child wishes to acheive success. Although at times , it might seem as if their definition of what success is , isnt quite as similar to that of the parents. Or maybe it is , but they have trouble realising their potential. - tutor profile
Tutor Rating: 10 reviews
Individual Lesson Fee: $15 - $40
Nous offrons 6 centres pour mieux vous servir.
Ouest de l’île
Ville Saint-Laurent
514.562.3940 CALL NOW
Notre but...votre réussite
La devise est claire: Le Centre D'enseignement met en priori - tutor profile
La Boîte du Savoir/The Learning Box
Tutor Rating: 2 reviews
Individual Lesson Fee: $145 - $195
We provide your child with the education she or he deserves. An education that teaches subjects by following their correct order and sequence. We only provide individual tutoring in order to ensure your child receives the best service. In fact, we guarantee our tutoring services! - tutor profile
Kumon Math and Reading Centres
Tutor Rating: 6 reviews
Individual Lesson Fee: $85 - $115
Kumon is an after school math and reading program that motivates children to achieve more on their own. - tutor profile
Rose Karen
Tutor Rating: 2 reviews
Individual Lesson Fee: $12 - $20
So are you looking for a Teacher who would not only educate you but will make it all a fun experience for you !!!
Work on your English grammar, conversation, pronunciation and writing skills with a friendly and a qualified tutor who has Master Degree in English Language and 5 years of Teaching ex - tutor profile
Maureen Roy
Tutor Rating: 1 review
Individual Lesson Fee: $13 - $15
If having solid English writing skills is important to you, I would be glad to teach you writing techniques and grammar that would make your texts a joy to read. I look forward to giving you the tools to express yourself in written English. - tutor profile
Tutor Rating: not rated
Individual Lesson Fee: $15 - $20
I am an undergraduate Anthropology student at Concordia University looking to tutor new students part-time primarily in language arts and the social sciences. - tutor profile

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