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Chemistry Tutors in Montreal - Page 3

This is a list of Chemistry tutors in Montreal - 64 tutors found.
Check tutor profiles for information about rates, subjects, tutor reviews, availability, etc.

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Daniel Azancot
Tutor Rating: not rated
Individual Lesson Fee: $20 - $30
I am 23 years old and recently graduated with a bachelor of commerce and a major in Finance. I have tutored math at Dawson College. I am very good in teaching mathematics due to my experience and background in the subject. - tutor profile
Dylan Lee
Tutor Rating: not rated
Individual Lesson Fee: $20 - $30
Undergrad in Software Enginnering in Mcgill
Very Patient
Strong Interpersonal Skills
Flexible Schedule - tutor profile
Stef Albert
Tutor Rating: not rated
Individual Lesson Fee: $20 - $30
Ana Maria Ibarra
Tutor Rating: not rated
Individual Lesson Fee: $15 - $35
I am chemist and I have been teaching chemistry at university level for 5 years. I understand that chemistry can be overwhelming at the begging so I like to demonstrate to my students how relevant and familiar it actually is - tutor profile
Tutor Rating: 10 reviews
Individual Lesson Fee: $15 - $40
Nous offrons 6 centres pour mieux vous servir.
Ouest de l’île
Ville Saint-Laurent
514.562.3940 CALL NOW
Notre but...votre réussite
La devise est claire: Le Centre D'enseignement met en priori - tutor profile
Abhinav Goyal
Tutor Rating: not rated
Individual Lesson Fee: $25 - $30
I can teach at the level you understand with great tips and how to learn effectively. - tutor profile
Tanha Nunna
Tutor Rating: not rated
Individual Lesson Fee: $20 - $35
B. Sc. Graduate (2012) from McGill University with double major in: 1. Microbiology and Immunology and 2: International Development Studies - tutor profile
Matthew Chan
Tutor Rating: not rated
Individual Lesson Fee: $25 - $30
123MathTutorABC - Math tutoring available for all levels, (from Elementary to University). - tutor profile
Adrian Carlesimo
Tutor Rating: not rated
Individual Lesson Fee: $25 - $30
Experienced tutor bot in private and public spheres. Good wit kids of all ages and levels of learning. Fluent in French, English and Italian.
I love tutoring because it is very fulfilling to see my students progress and achieve the results they want. - tutor profile
Joshua Tabatchnick
Tutor Rating: 1 review
Individual Lesson Fee: $25 - $30
It has become evident to me that every child wishes to acheive success. Although at times , it might seem as if their definition of what success is , isnt quite as similar to that of the parents. Or maybe it is , but they have trouble realising their potential. - tutor profile

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From Wikipedia
Chemistry is the science of matter and the changes it undergoes... about chemistry

Organic chemistry is a subdiscipline within chemistry involving the scientific study of the structure, properties, composition, reactions, and preparationof carbon-based compounds, hydrocarbons... about organic chemistry

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