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Ali Morsh

Tutoring since 1998, I have come across many students with different needs. I can help you reach the grade you want to achieve and the level of knowledge you hope to gain.

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Tutoring Locations
British Columbia: North Vancouver, Vancouver

Contact Information
Phone: 604-441-4401

Lesson Types and Tutoring Fees
My base rate is $45/hr at my office, but if I come to you there will be a charge based on my travel.

Type Fee
Individual  $45 - $90
Group  $45 - $200

Lesson Languages

Tutoring Services and Experience
Tutoring since 1998, I have ome across many students with different needs. I can help you reach the grade you want to achieve and the level of knowledge you hope to gain.

Elementary school: Math
Middle school: Math, Physics
High school: Math, Physics
College and University: Math, Physics

math, physics, north shore, north van, west van, north vancouver, west vancouver, vancouver

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