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Elyse Morrison

I am currently a Grade 2 French Immersion teacher at a well-known private school. I can teach any elementary subject and am comfortable teaching a number of other subjects for the middle/high school age.

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Tutoring Locations
Alberta: Calgary

Contact Information
Phone: (403)828-3948

Lesson Types and Tutoring Fees
Type Fee
Individual  $35 - $55
Group  $50 - $75

Lesson Languages
English, French

Tutoring Services and Experience
I have been teaching for 4 years. I have a Bachelor's Degree in History and a Bachelor's Degree in Education-specialization in Elementary French. I have a car and can come to your home or meet wherever comfortable. My hours are fairly flexible on weekdays and weekends.

Elementary school: Communication Skills, English, French, Geography, History, Math, Reading, Science, Social Studies, Writing
Middle school: English, French, History, Literacy / Essay
High school: English, French, History, Social Studies


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