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Private, Group tutoring in:
- Math: Grades 1-11
- Chemistry: Grade 9-11
- French: Grades 4-9

Tutor Rating:  not rated
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Tutoring Locations

Ontario: Vaughan

Contact Information
Phone: 647-444-2309
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Lesson Types and Tutoring Fees
$15 per hour

Type Fee
Individual  $15
Group  $15

Lesson Languages

Tutoring Services and Experience
Hi, my name is Shilpa! I am a grade 12 student living in Vaughan, ON. I extremely motivated towards helping other students with their academics. Since grade 9 I have been an honour roll student and I am currently peer tutoring at my high school. As a student when I needed assistance with my schoolwork, I found that tutoring was unaffordable for my parents. As a result I would like to offer my help to students who are struggling with their school work at an affordable price

Elementary school: French, Math
High school: Chemistry, French, Math

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