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Ajay Shah

I am an MD from McMaster University. I have tutored all ages of high school children in maths, sciences and various languages. I also help with undergrad and medical school applications/interviews.
My Scores:
SAT I - 2340
SAT II - Math & Chemistry (800)
MCAT - 99th Percentile
USMLE - 24

Tutor Rating:  not rated
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Tutoring Locations
All throughout the GTA (preferably Toronto/York Region)

Ontario: Markham, Richmond Hill, Toronto

Contact Information
Phone: 6477825990
Web site:

Lesson Types and Tutoring Fees
Subject to negotiation

Type Fee
Individual  $50 - $60
Online  $50 - $60

Lesson Languages

Tutoring Services and Experience
I am an MD from McMaster University. I have tutored all ages of high school children in maths, sciences and various languages. I also help with undergrad and medical school applications/interviews.

I offer tutoring for MCAT, USMLE, BMAT, UKCAT, SAT, SSAT, Math, Science, as well as holistic application and interview preparation. My fees are negotiable and based on a sliding scale. I provide detailed lesson plans using highly researched and evidence based materials.

My best quality is my patience - I'm an easygoing person, and I'd be willing to use a number of different tools and techniques to supplement my teaching. I love explaining concepts to my classmates, and my peers would describe me as a great teacher. I love sports, reading, playing video games, and watching TV. I also have a genuine love of learning - I enjoy taking online courses or listening to podcasts if I have some free time.

I've held a lot of leadership and mentoring positions over the years, as well as being the eldest brother of 3. I think that this has instilled a sense of maturity in me, and I would be a great role model for any potential tutorees.

High school: Biology, Chemistry, English, Law, Math
College and University: Biology, Chemistry
Test Preparation: MSAT, PSAT, SAT, SSAT, USMLE

MCAT, USMLE, BMAT, UKCAT, SAT, SSAT, Math, Science, High School, Markham, BMAT, AP

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