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Jay Choi

Graduated High school with excellent grade.
Studying at Jean-de-Brebeuf college, health science, excellent grade.
Perfectly bilingual, English French. Korean tutoring also available.

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Tutoring Locations
Quebec: Montreal

Contact Information

Lesson Types and Tutoring Fees
Type Fee
Individual  $15 - $30

Lesson Languages
English, French, Korean

Elementary school: English, ESL, French, History, Math, Science, Writing
Middle school: Biology, Chemistry, Earth and Space, English, ESL, French, Geography, History, Math, Physics
High school: Biology, Chemistry, English, ESL, Foreign Languages, French, Math, Physics
College and University: Biology, Botany, Chemistry, English, Foreign Languages, French, Genetics, Math, Physics, Statistics
Test Preparation: DAT
Arts and Music: Piano, Saxophone
Foreign Languages: English, French, Korean

Caculus, Organic, Chemistry, Solution, General, Biology, Ecology, Mechanics, Beginner

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