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Above Grade Level

Above Grade Level Canada offers world class, 1-on-1, in home tutoring to students, with a minimum of one-letter grade improvement guaranteed!

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Tutoring Locations
Surrey, White Rock, Delta, Richmond, Vancouver, Langley

British Columbia: Delta, Langley, Richmond, Surrey, Vancouver, White Rock

Contact Information
Phone: 778-832-1007
Web site:

Lesson Types and Tutoring Fees
Type Fee
Individual  not specified

Lesson Languages

Tutoring Services and Experience
Above Grade Level provides 1-to-1, in-home tutoring that offers your child dedicated and undivided attention from our professionally evaluated and experienced tutor.
We have helped students in 3 countries, over the past 30 years, achieve these goals.
The tutor is empowered by a teaching curriculum that has been honed and perfected for decades.
We guarantee that your child will experience at least one letter grade boost.
Over the past 30 years, Above Grade Level has incorporated a professionally developed system that has helped innumerable students succeed.
Subjects covered (For Grade K - Grade 12) -
Math, English, and the Sciences (Physics and Chemistry).
Exam preparation
Our drive: To help students thrive !

Call today to ask about:
- What sets us apart from other tutoring services
- FREE ($150 value) Skill Level Evaluation which sets out a blueprint for your child's future academic success
- Our special promotion: $100 worth of FREE, world class, 1-on-1, in-home tutoring.
Call 778-832-1007 or visit

Elementary school: English, ESL, Geography, History, Math, Reading, Science, Social Studies
Middle school: Biology, Chemistry, English, ESL, History, Literacy / Essay, Math, Physics, Social Studies
High school: Biology, Chemistry, English, ESL, Geography, History, Literacy / Essay, Math, Physics, Social Studies

In-home, Math, English, ESL, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Social Studies, Exam Preparation, Elementary, Secondary, High School

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