Greetings, my name is Thomas Bent. I am an Ontario Certified Mathematics Teacher and am currently accepting applications for evening and weekend students.
I hold both a Bachelor of Mathematics and a Bachelor of Education Degree and I have more than 5 years of teaching and tutoring experi
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Tutoring Locations
in-call/out-call tutor available in Ottawa area.
Contact Information
Phone: 6138042015
Lesson Types and Tutoring Fees
Monthly commitment leads to lower rates.
Type |
Fee |
- $40 |
Lesson Languages
Tutoring Services and Experience
Greetings, my name is Thomas Bent. I am an Ontario Certified Mathematics Teacher and am currently accepting applications for evening and weekend students.
I hold both a Bachelor of Mathematics and a Bachelor of Education Degree and I have more than 5 years of teaching and tutoring experience working with students to reach their goals in the Ontario Mathematics Curriculum with many positive references.
I reside in the Alta Vista / Industrial area and offer both in-call and out-call tutoring services.
My rate is $40 per hour and am available for consultation immediately.
Thank you for taking a look at my ad. Please feel free to contact me for any questions regarding my tutoring services at the number below.
Thomas Bent
(613) 804-2015
High school:
Math, The Arts |
Math, Mathematics, tutor, Ottawa, Teacher