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Artaster Academy of Fine Arts

If you want to study in a professional school with teachers who customize lessons just for you, Artaster Academy is the place to go! We can help with whatever you need from fine arts to math and sciences. We are running summer camps as well!

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Tutoring Locations
British Columbia: North Vancouver, Port Coquitlam, Vancouver

Contact Information
Phone: 6047809589
Phone: 6042810090
Contact Person: Tina Sweet 

Lesson Types and Tutoring Fees
Our prices are very reasonable, but they vary by subject. For example, it is more expensive for painting lessons since we supply the materials, so please call us for details!

Type Fee
Individual  not specified
Group  not specified

Lesson Languages
English, Mandarin / Cantonese

Tutoring Services and Experience
Artaster Academy is a school of all subjects, for all students. We teach every age from preschool to adults and every subject from painting to history to Mandarin to science. If your student wants to learn, we will teach them. We do one-on-one lessons or group lessons in any of the subjects we have listed. Please contact us for more details.

Summer 2013: We are having summer camps all summer. Learn how to speak in public or write short stories. Learn to paint and do pottery. Hone your math and English skills before you go back to school.

Artaster will also be starting a full English as a Second Language program for adults and students in September 2013. Contact us for more details.

Elementary school: Communication Skills, English, ESL, French, Geography, History, Math, Reading, Science, Social Studies, The Arts, Writing
Middle school: Biology, Chemistry, Communication Skills, Computers and IT, Earth and Space, English, ESL, French, Geography, History, Literacy / Essay, Math, Physics, Social Studies, Technology, The Arts
High school: Biology, Chemistry, Computers and IT, English, ESL, Foreign Languages, French, Geography, History, Law, Literacy / Essay, Math, Physics, Politics, Social Studies, Technology, The Arts
Arts and Music: Painting, Pottery
Foreign Languages: English, French, Mandarin / Cantonese

ESL, academy, fine arts, English, Literature, essay, writing, math, science, Mandarin,

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