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Abir Shah

I have a lot of private tutoring experience. I can teach quickly or slowly, depending on the needs of the student.

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Tutoring Locations
I can come to the following locations to teach, or, we can meet at a coffee shop or mall half way between us.

British Columbia: Burnaby, Delta, New Westminster, Richmond, Surrey, Vancouver, White Rock

Contact Information
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Lesson Types and Tutoring Fees
Type Fee
Individual  $20 - $30
Group  $15 - $25

Lesson Languages

Tutoring Services and Experience
I am a very patient teacher and I've had experience teaching all ages. I am the first person people come to if they need help at school. I have graduated with a degree in Chemical Engineering. Regarding the disciplines and subjects I teach, please e-mail me to discuss what and how you wish to learn to ensure that I will be able to do my best for you.

Elementary school: English, French, Geography, Math, Reading, Science
High school: Chemistry, English, Foreign Languages, French, Geography, Math, Physics
College and University: Chemistry, Engineering, Physics, Statistics

math, calculus, geometry, vectors, physics, chemistry, german, french, language, writing, arithmetic, forces, kinematics, engineering

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