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Landmark Maxmind Education Inc.brings Maxmind expertise to Canada.We provide Abacus based
mental Arithmetic courses,which not only makes your child confident but also improves child's concentration and enhance memory, observation and reasoning.
We also provide tutoring for all grades.

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Tutoring Locations
Ontario: Markham

Contact Information
Phone: 9055544405
Phone: 6477719711
Contact Person: Mamta Dhankhar 

Lesson Types and Tutoring Fees
Type Fee
Individual  $100

Lesson Languages

Tutoring Services and Experience
For kids who want to improve their writing we have Creative Writing for Jr and Sr level
Landmark Maxmind Academy is providing improve your math,increase your scores and gain confidence in math classes for 3rd,4th and 5th grade kids.We start with basic and cover all the topics on ontario syllabus.Homework sheets are provided as well .
Basic problem solving to step by step problem solving techniques are developed with tests of every unit at the end .

Landmark Maxmind Academy is providing special Math Classes for 2nd,3rd 4th and 5th grades .
We not only make sure your child improves his grades at school , but also gain confidence
and enjoys working on problems step by step.Bring your child in for a class and notice the difference at once.

High school: Biology, Chemistry, Communication Skills, English, French, Geography, History, Math, Physics, Social Studies

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