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Chemistry Tutors in Markham

This is a list of Chemistry tutors in Markham - 82 tutors found.
Check tutor profiles for information about rates, subjects, tutor reviews, availability, etc.

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Tutor Rating: not rated
Individual Lesson Fee: $1 - $15
Online Elementary, High School, College and University individual or group Tutoring lessons.
Visit our website at - tutor profile
Mumtaheena Miah
Tutor Rating: 1 review
Individual Lesson Fee: $15 - $25
I have been tutoring students for over 10 years at all levels (elementary to university) in various subjects. I have a Bachelors of Health Sciences (Honours) degree and will be entering my 1st year of medical school. - tutor profile
Home Tutors
Tutor Rating: not rated
Individual Lesson Fee: $18 - $25
Private Professional Home Tutoring in the comfort of your own home. We tutor all subjects and grades. - tutor profile
Dial A Tutor
Tutor Rating: not rated
Individual Lesson Fee: $18 - $25
We offer private home tutoring for all mathematics, English, and Science courses. Grades 1-12 - tutor profile
pushpa nathan
Tutor Rating: not rated
Individual Lesson Fee: $15 - $30
Be a Smart in your studies. - tutor profile
Raj Kandiah
Tutor Rating: not rated
Individual Lesson Fee: $20 - $25
Tutoring Highschool and middles school students for more than 10 years - tutor profile
Angela Samantha Quimby
Tutor Rating: not rated
Individual Lesson Fee: $20 - $25
I have over 10 years experience tutoring students reading, writing, essay writing and study/organizational skills for Gr. 1-12. I can also tutor french and French Immersion up to grades 12. - tutor profile
Shayne Farhadpour
Tutor Rating: 1 review
Individual Lesson Fee: $20 - $30
Friendly, knowledgable and patient, with experience tutoring students from grades 1-12 in Math, French, Biology, Chemistry, and Economics. I provide extended help with understanding the curriculum, homework essays, speeches, labs, and presentations. Proficient in English, French, and Farsi - tutor profile
Eric Daigle
Tutor Rating: not rated
Individual Lesson Fee: $20 - $30
I am a student at McMaster University, starting my masters program in engineering physics this September. I have been a tutor for 6 years, both privately and through McMaster for high school and university level classes. This summer I am looking for additional students near Richmond Hill. - tutor profile
Tutor Rating: 1 review
Individual Lesson Fee: $25 - $30
I have been tutoring for 12 years, in particular mathematics and have taught lecture courses at University. I am a qualified Engineer ( my pimary profession) but have the tutoring expertise to help you get results!! - tutor profile

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From Wikipedia
Chemistry is the science of matter and the changes it undergoes... about chemistry

Organic chemistry is a subdiscipline within chemistry involving the scientific study of the structure, properties, composition, reactions, and preparationof carbon-based compounds, hydrocarbons... about organic chemistry

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