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Physics Tutors in Toronto - Page 5

This is a list of Physics tutors in Toronto - 90 tutors found.
Check tutor profiles for information about rates, subjects, tutor reviews, availability, etc.

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T & Y Innovative Education
Tutor Rating: not rated
Individual Lesson Fee: $36
Established in 2002, T & Y Innovative Education have been recongized as a premier education service provider in Greater Toronto Area. We offer enrichment, tutorial, camps and adults/business training. - tutor profile
MUSIQUA ::studio:: + aalto[tutoring]
Tutor Rating: 3 reviews
Individual Lesson Fee: $30 - $45
In-house lessons.
English (essays grammar spelling conversational ESL) French (essays grammar speling conversational) Math (K-12, statistics calculus geometry) Science (Chemistry Physics Biology) History (Canadian history) Geography Business (Accounting Marketing Résumés) - tutor profile
Tutor Rating: not rated
Individual Lesson Fee: $35 - $40
Hourly Rates Per Student:
Elementary school - $35
High School - $35
College - $40
University - $40
*$5/student discount for group sessions
-All subjects in elementary/High School
-Business in College/University
-Science in College/University - tutor profile
Headway Tutors Toronto
Tutor Rating: not rated
Individual Lesson Fee: $35 - $40
Achieve your maximum academic potential with Headway Tutors Toronto - tutor profile
Tutor Rating: not rated
Individual Lesson Fee: $25 - $50
PhD in physics with 14 years experience teaching and tutoring from elementary school to graduate students. - tutor profile
Frank B
Tutor Rating: not rated
Individual Lesson Fee: $40
14 years classroom teaching experience, and 7 years tutoring. References available. If you want RESULTS, this is the place. - tutor profile
Ivy League Tutors
Tutor Rating: not rated
Individual Lesson Fee: $40
Want to reap the benefits of an Ivy League education without the associated costs? We can help! Having graduated from some of the most prestigious academic institutions in the world, our tutors are more than qualified to help students reach their full potential. - tutor profile
Tutor Rating: not rated
Individual Lesson Fee: $40
Master's in Mechanical Engineering. Tutor anything related to Engineering, Math, Physics, Programming at High School school level. University level depends on subject and year. - tutor profile
University Tutoring Union
Tutor Rating: not rated
Individual Lesson Fee: $30 - $50
Toronto Math Tutor - Gr. 1-12 Math, Science, Advanced Functions, Data Management, Calculus & Vectors, Chemistry, Physics, Biology and Accounting Tutors - tutor profile
Yes! Math & Science
Tutor Rating: 1 review
Individual Lesson Fee: $30 - $50
We help high school and junior university students with math, science and physics. For homework help and test prep, see a tutor who is always friendly, patient and supportive. Get consistency, clarity and personal attention. "Yes! I get it!" - tutor profile

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From Wikipedia
Physics is a natural science that involves the study of matter and its motion through spacetime, as well as all related concepts, including energy and force... about physics

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