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Math Tutors in Vaughan

This is a list of Math tutors in Vaughan - 117 tutors found.
Check tutor profiles for information about rates, subjects, tutor reviews, availability, etc.

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Dr. Ryan Morano
Tutor Rating: 6 reviews
Individual Lesson Fee: $40 - $55
I am an experienced tutor with a PhD in engineering science. I've been teaching in colleges and universities as well as tutoring more than 200 high-school, college and university students over the past 8 years. Please see the detailed description bellow. - tutor profile
Chris Park
Tutor Rating: 4 reviews
Individual Lesson Fee: $20 - $25
I have experience teaching high school math from Grade 9 to 12. I have acquired excellent teaching skills and enjoyed very good student-tutor relationships. - tutor profile
Tutor Rating: 3 reviews
Individual Lesson Fee: not specified
Math, Sciences, Physics, Chemistry, Reading and Writing, Social Studies, computers, Geography
Calculus and Vectors(MCV4U), Advance Functions (MHF4U), MBF3C, MCT4C, MPM2D1, MCR3U, MAP4C, University/ College Physics, Virtual schooling and online Courses ( help with all the assignments) - tutor profile
Jeff Gadjiev, HBSc, OCT
Tutor Rating: 2 reviews
Individual Lesson Fee: $40 - $50
Ontario certified math and science teacher with 7 years of teaching and tutoring experience offering in-home tutoring in North York, Vaughan, Thornhill, Richmond Hill, and Markham. - tutor profile
Saurabh Nayak
Tutor Rating: 2 reviews
Individual Lesson Fee: $30 - $40
University of Toronto graduate with over 4 years of experience in teaching high school courses. Will travel to your home for one-on-one tutoring. - tutor profile
Tutor Rating: 1 review
Individual Lesson Fee: $25 - $30
We offer tutoring services for Grades 1 to 12 students in Mathematics, Science, and Computer. Our goal is to help students to build confidence, to motivate them to study effectively, and to reach their full potentials. Visit for more details. - tutor profile
Experienced Teacher Amanda S.
Tutor Rating: 1 review
Individual Lesson Fee: $25 - $50
I have had the opportunity to work with youth in grades 1 to 10 in both the private and separate school boards. I bring learning alive for students and allow for it to meet the needs of students so they are able to grasp a better knowledge of the material which they are taught. - tutor profile
Khosrow - Princeton PhD
Tutor Rating: 1 review
Individual Lesson Fee: $65 - $110
All Math and Physics for 11th and 12th graders in high schools, I.B, A.P., and also college and university students. GRE, SAT, MCAT - tutor profile
Tutor Rating: 1 review
Individual Lesson Fee: $50 - $75
Ontario Certified Teacher & College Professor with 10+ years of experience teaching & tutoring the Mathematics & Sciences. Customized learning for the individual/group. Crash courses available. - tutor profile
Shayne Farhadpour
Tutor Rating: 1 review
Individual Lesson Fee: $20 - $30
Friendly, knowledgable and patient, with experience tutoring students from grades 1-12 in Math, French, Biology, Chemistry, and Economics. I provide extended help with understanding the curriculum, homework essays, speeches, labs, and presentations. Proficient in English, French, and Farsi - tutor profile

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From Wikipedia
Mathematics is the study of quantity, structure, space, and change. Mathematicians seek out patterns, formulate new conjectures... about math

Geometry is a branch of mathematics concerned with questions of shape, size, relative position of figures, and the properties of space... about geometry

Calculus is a branch of mathematics focused on limits, functions, derivatives, integrals, and infinite series... about calculus

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