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BrainBoost Education

BrainBoost Education helps kids of all ages to improve their grades and confidence through one-on-one tutoring, support programs and special group classes. Specializes in helping kids with learning disabilities, gifted students, and anyone who needs help with organization or motivation.

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Tutoring Locations
British Columbia: Vancouver

Contact Information
Phone: (604) 723-0904
Web site:

Lesson Types and Tutoring Fees
Type Fee
Individual  not specified

Lesson Languages

Tutoring Services and Experience
BrainBoost is a small educational services company operating out of Vancouver, BC. Started in 2002, BrainBoost's mandate is simple: to help humans grow and develop in ways that matter to them. We do that by designing experiences that challenge and inspire. Our one-to-one tutoring, with flexible tutors, allows people to be taught in ways that match their learning style and personality.

BrainBoost Tutoring and Education helps kids of all ages to improve their grades and confidence through one-on-one tutoring, support programs and special group classes. Specializes in helping kids with learning disabilities, gifted students, and anyone who needs help with organization or motivation.

We offer tutoring in from K-12 in every subject you can imagine, amazing enrichment to get the neurons firing outside of academics, and support like homework help.

Elementary school: Communication Skills, English, ESL, French, Geography, History, Math, Reading, Science, Social Studies, Writing
Middle school: Biology, Business Studies, Chemistry, Communication Skills, Earth and Space, English, ESL, French, Geography, History, Literacy / Essay, Math, Physics, Social Studies, Technology
High school: Biology, Chemistry, Communication Skills, English, ESL, French, Geography, History, Literacy / Essay, Math, Physics, Politics, Social Studies, Technology

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