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Allan Stewart

I have a B.Sc. in Math and Physics (4.0 GPA) and have mostly completed an M.Sc. in Physics and 12 years of French Immersion. I have years of tutoring experience with many different situations.

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Tutoring Locations
British Columbia: Burnaby, New Westminster, Richmond, Vancouver

Contact Information
Phone: 7789979299

Lesson Types and Tutoring Fees
Type Fee
Individual  $30 - $35
Group  $40 - $45
Online  $20 - $25
E-mail  $15 - $20

Lesson Languages
English, French

Tutoring Services and Experience
I have a B.Sc. in Math and Physics (4.0 GPA) and have mostly completed an M.Sc. in Physics. I have years of tutoring experience from secondary to University level. I have tutored Math, Physics, Secondary School sciences, ESL, TOEFL, SAT, and Math Competitions. I am fluent in English (native speaker) and French (12 years of French Immersion, certified, and have worked / lived in French) with years of experience leaching students from many language backgrounds.

High school: Biology, Chemistry, Computers and IT, ESL, French, Literacy / Essay, Math, Physics
College and University: Logic, Math, Physics, Statistics

Calculus, Geometry, Trigonometry, Algebra, Mathematics, Math, Statistics, Physics, Mechanics, Quantum, Differential Equations, ESL, TOEFL, SAT

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