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Olivier Ribeiro

I am an experimented mathematics and sciences tutors available to private lessons and tutoring in the confort of your home, in my office, in libraries, coffee shops or schools.
Free online trial to try and get fast results, help , explanations and resolutions.

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Tutoring Locations

Quebec: Montreal

Contact Information
Phone: (438)930-9705

Lesson Types and Tutoring Fees
Online and E-mail BONUS free access for new student - quick help and resolution - Claim your free trial

Type Fee
Individual  $15 - $25
Group  $20 - $50
Online  $10 - $20
E-mail  $5 - $50

Lesson Languages
English, French

High school: Chemistry, Math, Physics
College and University: Chemistry, Math, Physics

MATH, mathematics, mathématiques, physics, physique, chimie, chemestry, calculus, statistics, algebra, algèbre, calcul différentiel en intégral

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