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Lernit Tutoring Services

We provide experienced, qualified, caring tutors who specialize in individual lesson plans that develop the skills, habits and attitudes necessary to succeed in school, in business and in life.

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Tutoring Locations
At home or at any other suitable location agreed upon by the Client and the Tutor!

Quebec: Montreal

Contact Information
Phone: 514-690-8673
Web site:
Contact Person: Nicholas Stratigopoulos 

Lesson Types and Tutoring Fees
Rate per hour. Groups of 3 students max (2 for $50/hr, 3 for $60/hr).

Type Fee
Individual  $37
Group  $50

Lesson Languages
English, French

Tutoring Services and Experience
LERNIT Tutoring Services is a Tutoring Services Provider for all ages from K to Adult.

We specialize in providing Private Teachers who utilize Individualized Programs that develop the Skills, Habits and Attitudes needed to succeed in school, in business and in life.

Are you a parent with a child struggling in school?
Are you a student trying to wrap your mind around the concepts in a course you are taking?
Perhaps you are a business person looking to increase your business opportunities by improving your Business English.

Whatever your situation, our qualified, experienced, caring teachers can help you to achieve your learning goals.

Contact us today for a free evaluation of your needs!

Evolution Through Education
Building Confidence One Skill At A Time

Elementary school: Communication Skills, English, ESL, French, Geography, History, Math, Reading, Science, Social Studies, The Arts, Writing
High school: Biology, Business Studies, Career Education, Chemistry, Classical Studies, Communication Skills, Computers and IT, English, ESL, Foreign Languages, French, Geography, History, Law, Literacy / Essay, Math, Native Studies, Physics, Politics, Social Studies, Technology, The Arts
College and University: Accounting and Taxes, Archeology, Arts and Music, Astronomy, Biology, Botany, Business / MBA, Chemistry, Communication, Computer Science and IT, Economics, Engineering, English, Finanace, Foreign Languages, French, Genetics, Geology, Healthcare, History, Human Resources, Law, Literacy / Essay, Logic, Marketing, Math, Oceanography, Pharmocology, Philosophy, Physics, Political Science, Psychology, Religious Studies, Robotics, Social Science, Sociology, Statistics, Zoology

Video Introduction
Lernit Tutoring Services (Montreal)

Kindergarten, University, Elementary, High School, Primary, Secondary, Adult, Qualified, Experienced, Caring, Teachers, Students, Parents

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