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Chemistry Tutors in Vancouver - Page 3

This is a list of Chemistry tutors in Vancouver - 108 tutors found.
Check tutor profiles for information about rates, subjects, tutor reviews, availability, etc.

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Tutor Rating: not rated
Individual Lesson Fee: $40 - $48
No matter you need aids on passing a MATH or other courses,
helps on boosting your marks,
or assistance on winning the scholarship??
I'm the RIGHT PERSON you are looking for. - tutor profile
Allan Stewart
Tutor Rating: not rated
Individual Lesson Fee: $30 - $35
I have a B.Sc. in Math and Physics (4.0 GPA) and have mostly completed an M.Sc. in Physics and 12 years of French Immersion. I have years of tutoring experience with many different situations. - tutor profile
BrainBoost Education
Tutor Rating: not rated
Individual Lesson Fee: not specified
BrainBoost Education helps kids of all ages to improve their grades and confidence through one-on-one tutoring, support programs and special group classes. Specializes in helping kids with learning disabilities, gifted students, and anyone who needs help with organization or motivation. - tutor profile
Tutor Rating: not rated
Individual Lesson Fee: $25 - $30
math biology chemistry SAT GRE - tutor profile
Shan Huang
Tutor Rating: not rated
Individual Lesson Fee: $30 - $40
secondary or high school math tutoring. - tutor profile
Tutoring Shar G
Tutor Rating: not rated
Individual Lesson Fee: $30 - $45
Look no further, I have a passion for teaching. I have been an excellent student throughout all my years and can easily transfer my learning skills and knowledge with fun and ease! - tutor profile
Tutor Rating: not rated
Individual Lesson Fee: $52 - $60
MyGradeBooster uses proven teaching strategies, such as S.M.A.R.T. goal setting, improving study skills, and in-depth progress tracking to maximize students' success in school. Our results oriented approach ensures a fast and effective boost in grades. **Tutoring in English or Persian** - tutor profile
Tutor Rating: not rated
Individual Lesson Fee: $40 - $55
MyGradeBooster is the premier tutoring company in Vancouver. We offer tutoring in math, chemistry, biology, physics, and English in the comfort of your own home. - tutor profile
Tutor Rating: not rated
Individual Lesson Fee: $25 - $55
TutorTag provides affordable, quality in home or online tutoring lessons. - tutor profile
Lernit Tutoring Services
Tutor Rating: not rated
Individual Lesson Fee: $33 - $60
LERNIT Tutoring Services is a Tutoring Service Provider for all ages from K to Adult. - tutor profile

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From Wikipedia
Chemistry is the science of matter and the changes it undergoes... about chemistry

Organic chemistry is a subdiscipline within chemistry involving the scientific study of the structure, properties, composition, reactions, and preparationof carbon-based compounds, hydrocarbons... about organic chemistry

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