Physics Tutors in Markham - Page 2
This is a list of Physics tutors in Markham
- 96 tutors found.
Check tutor profiles for information about rates, subjects, tutor reviews, availability, etc.
Dowey Cho
Tutor Rating:
not rated
Individual Lesson Fee:
- $30
My goal is to teach my students not only how to solve problems but why. Once students understand the concept, they can apply this to complex questions/future learning. I also hope to make learning fun so children will enjoy learning. I believe that these points will help them get ahead.
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Eric Daigle
Tutor Rating:
not rated
Individual Lesson Fee:
- $30
I am a student at McMaster University, starting my masters program in engineering physics this September. I have been a tutor for 6 years, both privately and through McMaster for high school and university level classes. This summer I am looking for additional students near Richmond Hill.
tutor profile
Vyshnavi B
Tutor Rating:
not rated
Individual Lesson Fee:
- $30
Friendly and experienced tutor for High School Physics and Math. Recent graduate, Honours BSc in Physics.
tutor profile
Tutor Rating:
1 review
Individual Lesson Fee:
- $30
I have been tutoring for 12 years, in particular mathematics and have taught lecture courses at University. I am a qualified Engineer ( my pimary profession) but have the tutoring expertise to help you get results!!
tutor profile
Tutor Rating:
1 review
Individual Lesson Fee:
- $30
We offer tutoring services for Grades 1 to 12 students in Mathematics, Science, and Computer. Our goal is to help students to build confidence, to motivate them to study effectively, and to reach their full potentials. Visit for more details.
tutor profile
kales Visu
Tutor Rating:
not rated
Individual Lesson Fee:
- $30
I am an over 10 years experienced Math/Physics Tutor with Bachelor of Engineer Degree. I am providing tutoring for high school, College, first and second-year University students.
tutor profile
Syed Hassan
Tutor Rating:
not rated
Individual Lesson Fee:
- $35
Grade 1-12 and University Level Math ,Physics and Chemistry
Contact us for other locations in libraries and at my place
Central Library near Square one G.TA/Dhuram Region Ajax.Pickring/GTA/Mississauga/
East Mall/West Mall/Brampton/Milton
/Oakville/Halton Region
tutor profile
Eden Smiley
Tutor Rating:
not rated
Individual Lesson Fee:
- $35
Tutoring and preparing High School students in Math and Calculus problems for difficult Math and Calculus exams.
Helping and preparing Math,Calculus and Physics home work.
tutor profile
Nahyan Shariff
Tutor Rating:
1 review
Individual Lesson Fee:
- $35
I have been tutoring since I was 16. Ever since I entered university, I tutored students from Grade 9 to Grade 12 in Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, English and Biology.
I have tutored students in University as well for Calculus and Discrete Mathematics.
tutor profile
Joseph Chalil
Tutor Rating:
not rated
Individual Lesson Fee:
- $35
I am an experienced teacher currently working with a school board with more than 15 years of teaching experience in India, Middle east and in Canada. I have the thorough subject knowledge in Math and Physics. I can handle all the Math/Physics courses in the Ontario curriculum.
tutor profile