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Math Tutors in Mississauga - Page 2

This is a list of Math tutors in Mississauga - 199 tutors found.
Check tutor profiles for information about rates, subjects, tutor reviews, availability, etc.

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Tutor Rating: not rated
Individual Lesson Fee: $10 - $20
Good at abstract concept visualization, passionate in math learning research, establish solid concept system with simple and easily understood methods. - tutor profile
Jiaying Yang
Tutor Rating: not rated
Individual Lesson Fee: $10 - $20
Provide face to face, in home service.
Reasonable price and flexible time schedule.
No matter where you live, contact me, I will always go.
I will help homeworks, and lead you to solve problems. - tutor profile
nadia ali
Tutor Rating: not rated
Individual Lesson Fee: $10 - $20
I am an experienced teacher adept in using techniques that bring conceptual clarity to student’s minds and keen to help them relate it with applications in real life. I am familiar with the curriculum and teach kids from elementary to high school. - tutor profile
Huda S
Tutor Rating: not rated
Individual Lesson Fee: $10 - $20
I can help students with daily homework as well as test/exam preparation. I can also assist them to prepare for the courses they will be taking in the upcoming school year. I am very understanding and helpful and aim to help my students succeed through collaboration and hard work. - tutor profile
Haemanth Mari
Tutor Rating: not rated
Individual Lesson Fee: $15 - $18
I'm an engineering student at McMaster University and can help with math,physics and chemistry. I have previous tutoring experience and
helped a lot of friends with school so I know where people can find difficulty and can help you with the experience I gained. - tutor profile
irfan ahmad
Tutor Rating: not rated
Individual Lesson Fee: $12 - $20
Expert in Math garde 1 to 12 - tutor profile
Anjum Breja
Tutor Rating: not rated
Individual Lesson Fee: $12 - $20
I am flexible and I change my teaching style with the learning style of the student. I know several ways to go around problems and learning blocks. - tutor profile
Galeeb Rahman
Tutor Rating: not rated
Individual Lesson Fee: $15 - $20
Calculas, advance functions for Grade 8-10 - tutor profile
Tutor Rating: 3 reviews
Individual Lesson Fee: $10 - $25
Quality and affordable tutoring services are provided for females ( grade 3-12 or above ), or young boys ( grade 3-6 ) at home based Tutoring centre by Computer Engineer ( also attended Canadian university ). Major intersection is Creditview Rd and Britannia Rd near Heartland - tutor profile
Abrar Khan
Tutor Rating: not rated
Individual Lesson Fee: $15 - $20
Hi! I am a University Engineering student, available for tutoring in Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, and English. Ideal for High School students seeking University admission in Engineering, Mathematics, Science, or Business.
Fixed rate: $20 an hour. - tutor profile

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From Wikipedia
Mathematics is the study of quantity, structure, space, and change. Mathematicians seek out patterns, formulate new conjectures... about math

Geometry is a branch of mathematics concerned with questions of shape, size, relative position of figures, and the properties of space... about geometry

Calculus is a branch of mathematics focused on limits, functions, derivatives, integrals, and infinite series... about calculus

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