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Chemistry Tutors in Toronto

This is a list of Chemistry tutors in Toronto - 81 tutors found.
Check tutor profiles for information about rates, subjects, tutor reviews, availability, etc.

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Dr. Ma Chemistry (Organic/General), Physics
Tutor Rating: 3 reviews
Individual Lesson Fee: $50 - $70
Ph.D. in Org. Chem.; Postdoc. at University of California & UofT; AvH research fellow at U. of Kaiserslautern, Germany; Former professor at University of New Brunswick and Seneca College, and a Scientific Leader at a leading pharmaceutical company. 15+ years of instructing experienc. - tutor profile
Eugenio R
Tutor Rating: 3 reviews
Individual Lesson Fee: $30 - $35
I provide customized learning strategies tailored to my students. I have experience and a proven history of results. - tutor profile
Saurabh Nayak
Tutor Rating: 2 reviews
Individual Lesson Fee: $30 - $40
University of Toronto graduate with over 4 years of experience in teaching high school courses. Will travel to your home for one-on-one tutoring. - tutor profile
Tutor Rating: 2 reviews
Individual Lesson Fee: $20 - $35
Students currently enrolled in high school math, chemistry, physics courses can get extra help from me! I also do exam review and getting ahead in the summer. I am passionate about tutoring/helping students not only pass but excel in any math and science course! - tutor profile
George & Nelly
Tutor Rating: 1 review
Individual Lesson Fee: $30 - $40
Learn Organic Chemistry at an affordable price. We would prepare you for exams such as MCAT, Organic Chemistry I&II, Assignments etc. - tutor profile
Tutor Rating: 1 review
Individual Lesson Fee: $50 - $75
Ontario Certified Teacher & College Professor with 10+ years of experience teaching & tutoring the Mathematics & Sciences. Customized learning for the individual/group. Crash courses available. - tutor profile
Educated Fox
Tutor Rating: 1 review
Individual Lesson Fee: $40 - $50
Need help with math, physics, chemistry, biology, or English? Looking for a tutor? We can assist. Our team of dedicated tutors are all current university students or graduates of professional university programs. Our website is - tutor profile
Roman Korol
Tutor Rating: 1 review
Individual Lesson Fee: $80
I have over five years of experience tutoring chemistry, physics and math. I love teaching and I do it efficiently. - tutor profile
Riasat Azim
Tutor Rating: 5 reviews
Individual Lesson Fee: $20 - $50
B.A.Sc in Electrical Engineering with Honors (University of Toronto). Master's in Engineering (McGill University).
Professional Tutor with 7+ years of experience in teaching the Ontario, IB curriculum, college and university (applied sciences,engineering,math) - tutor profile
MUSIQUA ::studio:: + aalto[tutoring]
Tutor Rating: 3 reviews
Individual Lesson Fee: $30 - $45
In-house lessons.
English (essays grammar spelling conversational ESL) French (essays grammar speling conversational) Math (K-12, statistics calculus geometry) Science (Chemistry Physics Biology) History (Canadian history) Geography Business (Accounting Marketing Résumés) - tutor profile

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From Wikipedia
Chemistry is the science of matter and the changes it undergoes... about chemistry

Organic chemistry is a subdiscipline within chemistry involving the scientific study of the structure, properties, composition, reactions, and preparationof carbon-based compounds, hydrocarbons... about organic chemistry

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